Jul 21, 2012

Majlis Akhir Sem 6 DEH 2010/0304

Last month, the student of Environmental Health, 6 semester did their final semester as they will be going for practical in Terengganu for 2 semester before graduating.

Diploma in Environmental Health only had 6 academic semester where theory is emphasis while the , 8 and 9 semester are practical.

On that day, the 2010/03-04 student prepared bubur kacang, 2 cakes, fried noodles and orange drink plus some kuih.

For my 2010/03 buddues, Hasnan Nawi, Ameruddin Ahmad, Syima Yusof, Mohd Azwan, Seemay, Mohd Hasiff, Hafiz and the rest of the intake, good luck and all the best